6 Tips For Spring Cleaning, From The Inside Out
March 20 marked the official beginning of spring, and with the warmer weather also comes the responsibility to “spring clean.” But, that doesn’t have to be a dreadful task, and in fact—it doesn’t even have to mean what you think it means. Here are 6 tips for spring cleaning from the inside out. What do we mean by that? We mean taking time to care for yourself so you rid yourself of all the unnecessary emotional “clutter” you have floating around so you’ll be feeling much lighter this spring season! And if you want to tidy up a bit around the house, that’s ok, too.
Whether spring cleaning is something you typically look forward to or not, we’re guessing that if you take time to make sure that you’re caring for yourself this season, it’ll make the whole “out with the old and in with the new” vibes of spring even better.
From meditating to creating a cozy space for yourself in your home, here are 6 ways to make sure you’re tending to yourself this season. Just was flowers will be blooming this spring, it’s time to awaken a better part of you so you feel renewed, fresh and ready to blossom this time of the year, too!
1. Meditate

Whether you sit crossed leg in a zen garden or just take a few minutes to sit with an eye mask on every morning, it’s important to take some time to allow yourself to be alone with your thoughts, or if you reach the highest point of meditation, no thoughts. We don’t think “meditating” necessarily means the same thing for everyone, but if you decide what it means to you and then dedicate yourself to that practice, you’ll be all the better for it.
2. Get Active

One thing that we haven’t been able to shut up about lately is how helpful it’s been to do a little yoga every single day. Just taking the time to combine breath with movement for 15-60 minutes every day has made us feel less stressed and more prepared to face the day. This coupled with some time to be calm “meditate” will really help you clear out all of the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying around with you, leaving you so much lighter this spring.
3. Make Time For Self-Care

A face mask, a bath or a foot rub can really go a long way. Make sure you’re taking time to treat yourself this spring because self-care is not an unnecessary self-indulgence. It’s very much a necessary way of making sure your spirit stays fresh and recharged. A regular self-care practice is definitely something you’ll want to invest time in this spring to get yourself feeling good.
4. Declutter & Decorate

Ok, so you may not want to skip out on the more traditional cleaning part of “spring cleaning” this season, but that doesn’t mean you have to give your space a complete overhaul. Why not just snazz things up a bit? Add some art, buy some plants. Really make a space that’s pretty to look at and one that you feel happy in, you know?
5. Create A Cozy Space

Once you’re pretty satisfied with the way things are in your home, then all you’ll have to do is improve upon it by creating a cozy corner for reading or clearing off your desk so you have room to create. Making a space where you can be productive is part of self-care, too!
6. Get Your Top Shelf In Order

Really getting your “top shelf” in order is something that brings us so much joy. Get rid of old products or products that aren’t working for your skincare routine and replace them with products that are pretty to look at and luxurious for the skin. If all of your products are already at that level, then just make sure they’re nice and tidy in the cabinet and see that every product has its place. The top shelf is one of the last things you see before bed and one of the first things you see in the morning, so getting it spiffy will make you feel loads better. Plus, your skin will thank you for it!
Not exactly what you’d expect for a piece about “spring cleaning” but we really think these steps will have you on your way to be a happier, healthier, better you this spring, and really, isn’t that essentially what getting rid of the un-needed clutter is really all about anyways? We’ll be here trying to rid ourselves of all of the unnecessary stress, anxiety and more this season—that’s our idea of spring cleaning! Who’s with us?
Want to see more of our tips for living your best life this spring? Check out this guide to wearing lavender all season long!
--Labels and Lacquer girls
Images: Photo by Lara Westrich on Unsplash (1); Photo by Jennifer Regnier on Unsplash (1); Photo by Lauren Roberts on Unsplash (1); Wix (1)